Prof Paul Gooderham


Paul Gooderham
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Business School Research

  • Location London

Research activities

Comparative HRM 

One of my main research interestsis concentrated on international and comparative Human Resource Management. Since 1994, I havebeen a member of Cranet the largest comparative HRM research network in theworld. 

Other research interests 

The management of Multinational Enterprises

Innovation in incumbent firms 

Current Teaching

I lead the hybrid DBA programme with its focus on “leadership of change projects” in thecandidate’s organization.  


Prior to joining NHH Norwegian School of Economics in 1994, I was employed by NTNU - The Norwegian University of Science & Technology as an Associate Professor of Sociology. At NHH in 1997 Iwas promoted to Professor of International Management.  I co-authored three international text bookson International Management (2003, 2014 & 2019). The most recent of theseis:

Gooderham,Paul N., Birgitte Grøgaard, and Kirsten Foss. Global Strategy and Management.Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.

My researchappeared in Journal ofWorld Business, Journal of Management, Journal ofManagement Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, StrategicManagement Journal, Human Relations and Administrative Science Quarterly.

In 2022 Ireceived the five-yearly NHH “Outstanding Researcher” award.

Having been connected to Middlesex University since 2011, on leaving NHH in 2022 I moved to a .6 FTE appointment at Middlesex University. 
