Prof Diane Purchase
Professor of Environmental Biotechnology

School Faculty of Science and Technology
Department Natural Sciences
Location London
Research activities
The application of environmental biotechnology to safeguard and improve human and environmental health.
I have supervised 11 PhD students to completion on topics related to:
Current Teaching
Diane has been appointed to the Subject Benchmark Review panel for Earth Science, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Study by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in 2021 and 2014.
Modules taught
Postgraduate – anumber of modules focusing on environmental pollution and employability.
Undergraduate – a number of modules on all levels, specialising inmicrobiology, biotechnology, environmental pollution and employability.
Curriculum development
Programme development – led and developedMSc Environmental Pollution Control Programme (1997-2016) accredited by the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES).
Modules development – developed a number of undergraduate and postgraduate modules across severalnew programmes. For instance:
· BIO3403 Sustainable Biotechnology for BSc Biology and BSc Biochemistry
· BIO3899 Biology Work Experience for BSc Biology and BSc Biochemistry
· PRS3899 Professional Practice Learning for BSc Public Health
· PRS4999 Profession Experience for MSc Sustainable Environmental Management
Current PhD supervision
“Rethinking Construction Waste Management Practices: A case forintegrating sustainable environmental management and circular economy models”
“Valorisation of well-drilling waste as building material“
“An investigation ofthe effects of biosurfactant on the inhibition of biofilm formation by Salmonellaon stainless steels and plastics”
“An investigation onthe inhibition of biofilm formation on microgreens by biosurfactant”