Dr. Dimitar Stefanov is an associate professor of biomedicalengineering at Middlesex University in London. In 1990, Dr. Dimitar Stefanovearned his PhD in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, followed by hishabilitation in biomedical engineering and biomechanics, which led to hispromotion to Associate Professor the following year. From January 1998 to March1999, he was a Visiting Research Professor at the Industrial ResearchOrganisation in Kobe, Japan, and from September 2000 to June 2003, he was aVisiting Professor at the College of Engineering of Korea Advanced Institute ofScience and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Korea. From July 2003 to May 2007, heworked as a principal clinical scientist with the Rehabilitation EngineeringDepartment in Cardiff, United Kingdom. From 2007 to 2014, Dr. Stefanov was aprincipal lecturer at Coventry University in the United Kingdom. During thistime, he was actively involved in the management and teaching of therehabilitation engineering curriculum, as well as being the Chief Investigatorof a substantial externally funded research project on wheelchair stability(WheelSAS). He has been an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering atMiddlesex University in London since April 2015, and he actively contributes tothe Biomedical Engineering course.
Title: BSc. & MSc. in industrial automation and automatic control
Title: PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Biomechanics
Title: Habilitation* in biomedical engineering and biomechanics