School Faculty of Business and Law
Department Strategy, Leadership & Operations
Location London
Research activities
My research interests include HRM in the global context, Comparative industrial relations, Latin American and European labour movements, modern slavery, Self-managed and co-operative enterprises, Sustainable livelihood strategies, Middle class coping strategies under economic crises, NGO management and social economy, Autonomism, Social movement theory, Class identity and consciousness.
Published academic journal publications:
(2016) 'Serial Payers, Serial Losers? The political economy of Argentina's public debt'. Co-author: F. J. Cantamutto. Economy and Society 45 (1) pp.123-147(2015) 'Raising the Bar: Legislating to achieve diversity in the professions is only half of the story'. Co-authors: T. Gibson, A. Batra and S. Mercer. Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5) pp. 8-11
(2015) 'The Unrepresentative House: The inconvenient truth about Members of Parliament'. Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5) pp. 12-15
(2014) Workers' Self-Management, Recovered Companies and the Sociology of Work. ' Co-author: R. Croucher. Sociology 48 (5) pp. 989-1006
(2014) 'When all they thought was solid melted into air: Resisting pauperisation in Argentina during the 2002 economic crisis' Latin American Research Review 49 (1) pp.178-202
(2014) 'Spectrum, Trajectory and the Role of the State in Workers' Self-Management.' Co-authors: M. Upchurch and A. Daguerre. Labor History 55 (1) pp. 47-66
(2013) 'Pitching for the Others' Team: The North American Free Trade Agreement and Labour Transnationalism'. Labor History 54 (5) pp. 512-526
Monographed Books:
(2019) The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-Class Revolt: Comparative Insights from Argentina, 1st Edition. Routledge
Edited Books:
(2016) De la Crisis de 2001 al Kirchnerismo: Cambios y Continuidades. Co-edited with C. Levey and C. Wylde. Buenos Aires: Prometero Libros
(2014) Argentina since the 2001 Crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future. Co-edited with C. Levey and C. Wylde. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Book Chapters:
(2020) “Chronicle of a referendum foretold: what next for the Malvinas/Falklands?” with Levey, Cara. Chapter 11 in Guillermo Mira and Fernando Pedrosa Eds. Revisiting The Falklands-Malvinas Question: Transnational And Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: University of London Press.
(2019) "Banging the Other Side of the Saucepan: Changing Political Activism among Argentina's Middle Class 2001-13" in Eds. Fiorella Montero-Diaz and Franka Winter. Citizenship in the Latin American Upper and Middle Classes. Palgrave Macmillan.
(2019) "Global Political Economy and HRM within Global Turbulence" in Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, Ian Roper, Rea Prouska Eds. Critical Issues in Human Resource Management. Macmillan.
(2017) “A Foot on Each Side of the Picket-line: The Contradictory Role of Labour Unions in South American Governance.” In: Riggirozzi P. and Wylde. C (Eds) Routledge International Handbook of South American Governance. Oxon: Routledge. pp. 246-259
(2016) 'Un repaso a la crisis argentina de 2001: cambios y continuidades' in De la Crisis de 2001 al Kirchnerismo: Cambios y Continuidades. Co-edited with C. Levey and C. Wylde. Buenos Aires: Prometero Libros pp. 21-46
(2016) 'North American Free Trade Agreement' in America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History, 1st Edition, Edited by Edward J. Blum, Cara Burnidge, Emily Conroy-Krutz, David Kinkela. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons pp. 763-765
(2014) 'Introduction - Revisiting the Argentine Crisis a Decade on: Changes and Continuities' with C. Levey and C. Wylde in (2014) Argentina since the 2001 Crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-22
Online Thesis:
(2013) Saucepans, suits and getting to know the neighbours: resisting pauperisation in Argentina - the 2001-02 economic crisis and its legacies. PhD thesis, Middlesex University.
(2008) Argentina's 'New Poor' since the Corralito: from Despair to Adapting to Downward Mobility, Masters Thesis, SAS Space E-Repository, London: Institure for the Study of the Americas, University of London.
Academic conference papers:
"Local Authorities and Modern Slavery: A Sparse and Challenging Landscape," Business Ethics Research Group, Middlesex University, 3rd June 2024
"Local Authorities and Modern Slavery: A Sparse and Challenging Landscape," Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, March 2024
"Anti-Semitic Hate, Intimidation, Threats and Harassment Campaign in the 2020 Borehamwood Kenilworth council by-election." Centre For Access to Justice and Inclusion, Anglia Ruskin University, 21st April 2021.
"The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-Class Revolt." University of Buckingham Politics Club. 4th March 2021
"Publishing an Academic Book". MLO Online Seminar Series. Middlesex Unversity, London. 1st December 2020
"The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-Class Revolt." Book Launch. UCL Institute of the Americas. 18th June 2019
"Argentine crises, a task for Penelope. The weaving and the unweaving of crises." Argentina: Yet Another Crisis. Centre of Latin American Studies. University of Cambridge. 23rd February 2019
"Alternative forms of Work, Crisis and the Sociological Imagination", Alternative Organisations and Transformative Practices Research Cluster seminar. Middlesex University, London. 25th January 2019
"Human capitals as poisoned chalice? Unemployed Argentinian professionals during crisis and recovery." MLO Seminar series. Middlesex University, London. 15th January 2019.
"Desigualdades de Género y Clase Social y la Movilización Política en Europa y América Latina: Una Perspectiva Comparativa". Red SIMEL, V Jornadas sobre Estudios Regionales y Mercado de Trabajo. Mar Del Plata, 21 September 2018
"A Foot on Each Side of the Picket-line: The Contradictory Role of Labour Unions in South American Governance". Society of Latin American Studies Annual Conference. University of Southampton. 22nd March 2018
"Islands of Socialism in a Sea of Capitalism: Worker-Recovered Companies as Sustainable or Transformatory Business Models?” Alternative Organisations & Transformative Practices Research Cluster Launch Event, Middlesex University Business School. 8th December 2017
"Workers' Self-Management and Argentina's Workers' Recovered Companies Movement." The Day After: Worker Self-organization in Greece, Argentina & Spain, Panel Discussion. "Poverty, Inequality, Resistance" festival. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Kingston University, London. 29th November 2017
"Life After Research". Research Students’ Summer Conference. Middlesex University, London. 28th June 2017
"A Schizophrenic Actor - Organised Labour, the State & Cambiemos." Society of Latin American Studies Annual Conference 2017. University of Glasgow, 7th April 2017
"Here, There and Everywhere: Resistance to from the neighbourhood to the Casa Rosada during the Cambiemos government." Middlesex University, London's Latin American Studies Research Group seminar series "Argentina: Social Resistance to Neoliberalism under President Macri". Middlesex University, 17th November 2016
"El Cáliz Envenenado de Recursos: Los ´nuevos pobres urbanos´ que quedaron atrás desde la crisis de 2001." International EU-Latin American Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (INCASI) Network. Observatory for the Social Debt in Argentina, Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires. 30th September 2016
'Un repaso a la crisis argentina de 2001: cambios y continuidades' at book launch for De la Crisis de 2001 al Kirchnerismo: Cambios y Continuidades. Paco Urondo Cultural Centre, University of Buenos Aires. 28th September 2016
Banging the Other Side of the Saucepan: Changing Political Activism among Argentina’s Middle Class 2001-12". Latin American Studies Association 50th International Congress. New York, 29th May 2016
"Recent Experiences in Workers-Self Management in Europe and Latin America," Interdisciplianry Labour Studies Group, Middlesex University, 11th May 2016
"Re-evaluating Workers' Self-Managed Cooperatives as an Emancipatory Project," Marx in the Key of Hope Conference, Economic and Social Research Council/ University of Bath, 29th January 2016
"What Future for Greece's Middle Class?: Lessons from Argentina's 2001 Debt Crisis," National and Kapodistrian University of Athens' Department of Economics, Athens, Greece, 10th November 2015
"Last Tango in Athens? Recent Lessons on Debt Resistance in Argentina, Ecuador and Iceland", at "The IMF, Debt and National Sovereignty." Seminars in Latin America Series. Middlesex University Business School's Latin American Studies Research Group, London, 6th November 2015
"Joblessness and underemployment among the middle class in post-crisis Argentina: Superior capital possession as a poisoned chalice", Latin American Studies Association XXXIII International Congress, Puerto Rico, 28th May 2015
"Worker Recovered companies and the sociology of work", Sociology Special Edition plenary session - Sociology and the Global Economic Crisis. British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2015, Glasgow Caledonian University, 15th April 2015
"Workers' self-management in Latin America and Europe: A barometer of post-neoliberal models?" Swinging back? Winds of change after a decade of the Latin American Left conference, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), University of London. 27th March 2015
"Argentina Confronts the Vulture Funds: Implications for the Global Financial System". Seminars in Latin America Series. Middlesex University Business School's Latin American Studies Research Group. 29th October 2014
"Argentina since the 2001 crisis: Recovering the past, reclaiming the future", UCL Institute of the Americas, University of London, 8th October 2014
"Lessons from Argentina: The 2001 crisis and its aftermath", Dept of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies Annual Seminar Series, University College Cork, Ireland. 19th September 2014
"Argentina since the 2001 Crisis", University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30th July 2014
"Revisiting the Argentine crisis a decade on: Changes and continuities". Grupo de Estudios sobre Clases Medias, Instituto de Desarollo Económico y Social (IDES), Buenos Aires, Argentina 28th July 2014
"Workers' self-management in Argentina and Europe: A barometer of post-neoliberal models?". International Studies Association/FLACSO Joint International Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24th July 2014
"Revisiting the Argentine crisis a decade on: changes and continuities. Society of Latin American Studies 50th Anniversary Conference. Birkbeck College, University of London. 3rd April 2014
"The University as an agora: Learning through research in the undergraduate curriculum". Middlesex University Supporting Learning Conference 2014. Middlesex University, London. 26th March 2014
"Workplace democracy, the recovered companies and worker's cooperatives in Argentina." State, Power and Globalisation seminar series. Richmond – The American International University in London. 26th March 2014
"El futuro de la clase media después de la crisis: El caso de la ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires." Granada University, Spain, 12th November 2013
"Worker's self-management in Argentina and worker subjectivities." Society of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Manchester University, 12th April 2013
"Continuity and Change in Workers' Self-Management: Assessing the state's role in Yugoslavia, UK, Argentina & Venezuela." 9th Annual Historical Materialism Conference, London, 10th November 2012
"Will They Sink or Swim? Prospects for the Impoverished Middle Class in the Post-Crisis Milieu: A Case Study from Buenos Aires since 2001, HRM Seminar Series, Middlesex University, 24th April 2012
"Rethinking the "Resources of Poverty": Sustainable Livelihoods & the New Urban Poor in Post-Crisis Buenos Aires, Society of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Sheffield University, 19th April 2012
"The Changing Faces of New Poor Economic and Political Organisation in Argentina", XXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 7th October 2010
"Saucepans, Suits and Getting to Know the Neighbours: Resistance to pauperisation, a case study from Argentina under neoliberalism," MUBS Research Degree Conference, 3rd June 2010
"Spaces for and controls against resistance to pauperisation by the nuevos pobres under neoliberalism", Society of Latin American Studies, Annual Conference, Bristol University, 10th April 2010
"Rethinking 'The Resources of Poverty': The new poor in Argentina since the economic crisis of 2000-2003," Americas Research Group Conference, Newcastle University, March 11th 2010
Conferences and seminars convened:
"Another World is Possible?" Alternative visions for 21st century social care and workplace models. MLO Seminar Series, Alternative Organisations & Transformative Practices/Transnational Labour & Social Movements Research Clusters, Middlesex University (online), 19th May 2022
"Opportunities For Cooperative And Democratic Working In The Post-Pandemic Milieu," Alternative Organisations and Transformative Practices Research Cluster, Middlesex University (online), 22nd June 2021.
"From Economic Science Fictions to Labour as Commons." Alternative Organisations and Transformative Practices conference. Middlesex University, London. 21st June 2019.
"Human Rights, Debt and Resistance. From Argentina and Latin America to Turkey and Kurdistan". National Education Union, London. 7th February 2019.
"The Criminalistion of Social Protest in Argentina Today" with Dr Pilar Alzina, UNITE the Union. 29th October 2018.
"Labour and Human Rights in Latin America Today" with Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Beverly Keene. Congress House, Trade Union Congress. 6th February 2018
"Human Rights in Latin America Today" with Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Beverly Keene. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London. 5th February 2018
"Occupy, Resist, Produce Workers’ Self-Management & Recovered Companies in Argentina". With Dr Andres Ruggeri. Convenor. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 23rd November 2017
"Human Rights, Disappearances, Debt and Free Trade in Argentina and Latin America: In Conversation with Nora Cortiñas and Beverly Keene". Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 2nd November 2017
"Human rights and Disappearances in Argentina and Latin America" with Nora Cortiñas and Beverly Keene. Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge. 1st November 2017
"History of Argentina's Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and Human Rights Violations today" with Nora Cortiñas and Beverly Keene. Congress House, Trade Union Congress. 31st October 2017
"Environmental Conflicts and the Public Debate on Development in Argentina and Latin America." With Dr Gabriela Melinsky. Co-Convenor. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 20th July 2017
"The Cambiemos Government in Argentina: A return to 1990s neoliberalism, a break with Kirchnerismo or somewhere in between?" Panel Convenor, Society of Latin American Studies Annual Conference 2017, 7th April 2017
"Human Rights in Argentina and Chile, Then and Now," Senate House, Institute for Latin American Studies, University of London, 21st March 2017
"Economic policies under Mauricio Macri's government" with Dr Pedro Biscay, Director of the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina. London School of Economics and Political Science. 24th February 2017
"What next for Mexico after Trump's election?" Middlesex University Latin American Studies Research Group, London. 23rd February 2017
"Economic inclusion, wealth distribution and political change: The issues that marked the last decade". Middlesex University, London. CEEDR and Latin American Studies Research Group. International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities - INCASI, 14 December 2016
"Ni Una Menos: Social Protest against Gender Violence in Argentina and Beyond". Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, 29 November 2016
"Argentina after Kirchnerismo: Policy changes facing the Macri government".UCL Institute of the Americas, London, 14 October 2016
"What does the EU Referendum mean for workers and Higher Education?" (Marina Prentoulis and Will Pudmore), Convenor, Middlesex University UCU. 19th May 2016
"Socio-economic responses to poverty, inequality and exclusion in Latin America" (Leandro Sepulveda, Francisco Dominguez, Santiago Poy), Convenor, Middlesex University Business School's Latin American Studies Research Group (LASRG) and Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research (CEEDR). Horizon 2020 Marie-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) grant, Middlesex University, London, 29th February 2016
"Social recruiting: looking for a job in a digitised labour market" (Alessandro Gandini), Convenor, Middlesex University Business School Interdisciplinary Labour Studies Group, London, 11th February 2016
"Improving health and safety in the Bangladeshi garment industry post Rana Plaza: Conversations with Stakeholders" (Lilian Miles and Mark Houssart), Convenor, Middlesex University Business School Interdisciplinary Labour Studies Group, London, 20th October 2015
"Argentina since the 2001 Crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future", Convenor, Latin American Studies Association XXXIII International Congress, Puerto Rico, 28th May 2015
"Archivos, Memoria y Poder - A 30 años del Juicio a las Juntas militares argentinas (1985-2015)", Seminar Convenor, UCL Institute of the Americas, London, 16th March 2015
"The Intellectual Impact of Latin America's Pink Tide on Europe: Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain." Convenor, Middlesex University Business School Latin American Studies Research Group, Seminars on Latin America, 18th February 2015
"The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - A threat to democracy?" A threat to UK education?" Middlesex University UCU, 13th November 2014
"Argentina since the 2001 crisis: Recovering the past, reclaiming the future" panel series. Society of Latin American Studies 50th Anniversary Conference. Birkbeck College, University of London. April 2014
'After dictatorship, war and debt: what Argentina's resistance has achieved and where next' with Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Jubilee Debt Campaign/Argentina Research Network, London. April 2012
'Why its Kicking Off Everywhere' with BBC Newsnight Editor Paul Mason, HRM Seminar Series, Middlesex University Business School. March 2012
'Crisis, Response & Recovery: A Decade on from the Argentinazo 2001-2011', Argentina Research Network. Institute for Study of the Americas, University of London. December 2011
PhD Supervisions completed
Joseph Choonara "An Examination of Employment Precarity and Insecurity in Britain." October 2017
Rocío González Martínez "Employment Conditions and Labor Market in Spain: Current Discourse" (Visiting PhD student, 1 Year). July 2018
Masters dissertation supervision:
Mari Vikanes "Developing a global career through self-initiated international assignments." May 2016Asif Raza Burana "Exploring the Employment Relationship Of Farm Workers In South Punjab, Pakistan." January 2016Shi Bokun "Cultural and Salary Management at General Electric, China" June 2015Colleen Bekoe "Causes of staff turnover in the Botswana public service: A case study of the national AIDS coordinating agency" October 2014Benjamin Lumbroso "Volunteer Retention in Oxfam Shops." October 2013Agboola Olufemi "Exploring Performance Management in Nigeria's Public Sector: A case study of the Nigerian Federal Civil Service Commission" October 2013Radina R. Blagoeva "The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Consumer Behaviour in the Clothing and Footwear Industry: Bulgaria as a Case Study" October 2012
PhD External Examiner:
Gottero, Marco 'Workers Out of Control. Recuperations, Reverberations and Communalism from Argentina to Greece.' DeMontfort University, January 2020
Baeza Belda , Joaquín "Peronismo y democracia. El caso de la Renovación peronista (1983-1991)", University of Salamanca, January 2016
Panagiota-Aikaterina Sidiropoulou "Experiencing the UK Employment Tribunals", Middlesex University, June 2014 (Transfer Panel, Internal Examiner)
Current Teaching
I currently teach the following modules:
I have previously also taught:
UG International Development and Anti-Poverty Policies
I have been an External Examiner at Bath University for its BSc in International Management and Modern Languages (Spanish)