Dr Chandima Hettiarachchi
Lecturer in Accounting & Finance

School Faculty of Business and Law
Department Accounting, Finance & Economics
Location London
Research activities
Corporate Accountability
Modern Slavery
Corporate Social Responsibility and reporting
Current Teaching
Chandima is the module leader for ACC2610 Management Accounting and Financial Reporting module for second year students.
She also leads FIN4700 Dissertation and Research Methods for MSc Banking and Finance and MSc Investment and Finance programmes where she conducts lectures, seminars and workshops for this module.
She conducts seminars for undergraduates in ACC1135 Accounting Information Systems, ACC1125 Corporate Responsibility and Ethics, ACC3145 Ethics and Sustainability and ACC3135 Accounting Theory.
Chandima currently co-supervise two doctoral students; one student in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the other student in Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) in banking industry.