School Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses
Department Mauritius Campus
Location Mauritius
Research activities
Denisha is passionate about her research in the areas of Social Advertising and Marketing. She was able to contribute to the following:
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D., Jin, Z., Manyiwa, S., Dilmperi, A.,(2024), The Power of Words and Images: How Message Framing and Gender inAnti-Domestic Violence Advertising Campaigns Affect Charity Donations, MiddlesexUniversity Mauritius 2024 Research Symposium: Integrating InterdisciplinaryPerspective for Sustainable Solutions, 16th March 2024, Book of Abstracts,pp1-2, Awarded Best Presenter Staff
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon,D., S. Manyiwa, Z. Jin, A. Dilmperi, 2023. The Power of Wordsand Images: How Message Framing and Gender in anti-domestic violenceadvertising campaigns affect Charity Donations. University of MauritiusResearch and Innovation Week 2023, Promoting Sustainability and Resiliencethrough Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, e-Book of Abstracts, 27Nov-1st Dec 2023
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D. (2023), ‘An experimental investigationof the impact of positive versus negative advertising message framing,moderated by gender, on charity donation: a study in the context ofanti-domestic violence campaign in Mauritius’, Work Based Learning e-Journal,Vol. 11 (2), pp.27-28, ISSN 2044-7868, Available on:https://wblearning-ejournal.com/uploads/text_with_images/11.21679505489.pdf[Accessed May 9th 2023]
Planel-Ratna, C., Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D., Kalla, D., (2022),Digital Transformation: The Inevitable Path to Achieving Brand Success in theDigital Age, The Brand Magic Book 2022, published by Mind InitiativesLtd, pp.90-95, available on https://brandmagic.mu/archives/
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D. (2022), ‘An experimental investigationof the impact of positive versus negative advertising message framing,moderatedby gender, on charity donation: a study in the context of anti-domesticviolence campaign in Mauritius’, Middlesex University Research Students’Summer Conference 2022: Knowledge in Action, 23rd June.
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D. (2021), ‘The Impact of disgust-exemplarmessages on donation for charities: an experimental study in the context ofanti-domestic violence advertising campaign in Mauritius’, MiddlesexUniversity Research Students’ Summer Conference 2021:Research in a changingworld, 23rd June.
Kalla, D., Rozah, N., Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D., (2021), ‘DigitalTransformation in Higher Education: Reshaping Student Experience at MiddlesexUniversity Mauritius’, Southern African Regional Universities Association(SARUA) Colloquium Series 2021: Higher Education Digital Transformation, 11thJune, Available at: https://www.sarua.africa/2021-1-sarua-colloquium-7/
Rout-Hoolash, S., Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D., (2021), ‘DigitalTransformation of Teaching and Learning through Hyflex Approach at a PrivateTransnational Higher Education Institution in Mauritius’, Southern AfricanRegional Universities Association (SARUA) Colloquium Series 2021: HigherEducation Digital Transformation, 9th June, Available at:https://www.sarua.africa/2021-1-sarua-colloquium-6/
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D. (2019) Flipped Classroom VersusTraditional Teaching and Learning from Students’ Perspective atInterdisciplinary Level, Case: Middlesex University Mauritius. Available atSSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3398178 or https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3398178
Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, D. (2019), Flipped Classroom Teaching inHigher Education: An Assumption or an Inevitable Tool, In: 2nd Edition of theNational Research Week for Higher Education Sector- 2019, Preparing for theFuture, Book of Abstracts, available on https://www.tec.mu, ABS0310012, pp.98-99published on 29th October 2019
Seereekissoon, D. S. (2018). Flipped Classroom Teaching In HigherEducation: An Assumption Or An Inevitable Tool. PEOPLE: International JournalOf Social Sciences, 4(1), 494-506.
Current Teaching
Denisha has been an integral part of teaching at Middlesex University Mauritius, contributing to various programmes over the years. From 2015 to 2018, she was involved with the BA (Hons) Advertising, Public Relations and Media programme and taught media production modules. Since 2018, she has been teaching in the BA (Hons) Advertising, Public Relations and Branding programme for the module Campaign Planning, and from 2017, she has also contributed to the marketing modules of the BA (Hons) Business Management-Marketing programme.
During the academic year 2023/24, Denisha has delivered instruction in several key modules, including:
Marketing Theory and Practice
- Campaign Planning
- Digital Marketing
- Marketing Research and Insights
- Social Media and Viral Marketing
- Marketing Consultancy Project
These modules reflect her wide-ranging expertise in the fields of advertising and marketing, showcasing her commitment to providing comprehensive and up-to-date education to her students.
Moreover, she supervised 30 final year undergraduate projects and 8 postgraduate dissertations.