Innovation Hub for Workforce Transformation
We will be seen as a valuable resource for driving innovation in workforce development and transformation. We will build on our reputation as responsive, flexible education and service providers to support excellence in delivering high quality services focused on the needs of service users.
We will actively support the development of clinical leaders to drive workforce innovation and engage in co-production with service users.
We will consistently strive for excellence, always placing the needs of service users first. This will be achieved in a context that promotes diversity and inclusiveness whilst valuing freedom of academic enquiry and professionalism.
Our current and recent projects fall within three main domains of work.
Exploring the nature and scope of work undertaken in health and social care
- Scoping the role of the nurse consultant
- Scoping the extent to which internationally trained nurses are employed as support workers
- Evaluation of care certificate training
- Introduction and evaluation of clinical supervision
Developing educational opportunities for the existing health and social care workforce
- Development and pilot of APL pathway to nurse registration for internationally educated nurses whose training is not recognised in the UK
- Language support for EU trained nurses
- GP training in social care
Enhancing the education and training of the health and social care workforce
- Development and enhancement of mentorship and placement learning
- Supporting learning opportunities for nursing students in GP practices
- Lead mentor role and decision-making regarding student placement capacity